Lockdown Lullabies

Lockdown Lullabies      

Straight On Til Morning - PH021

Written and recorded between April and ? 2020

Written, arranged and produced by Peter Harris

All musical noises by Peter Harris, sound samples remain the property and copyright of the originators.

Copyright 2020 Peter Harris (see above)

Published 2020 Peter Harris

I've rather rashly set myself the task of composing a tune a day during this ruddy lockdown, can't say whether I'll be successful but I'll have a go.

This will probably swing wildly between styles, some will be synthy others may be guitar(y), but I'm hoping to have fun and I hope you have fun listening to it as it grows. I'll be uploading as I go so check back regularly, or daily. Whatever I've done should be up by 7 pm I would hope.

Stay safe....

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01  Mass Hysteria 2.26
02  Na Zdorovie 3.36
03  Shamatha 3.16
04  Feeding Frenzy 2.34
05  Good Friday 2.24
06  Frying Tonight 2.48
07  Spanner in the Works 2.56
08  Not For All the Fish 2.19
09  Parting Shot 2.32
10  Q&D 2.01
11  Ming the Merciless 2.45
12  Navel Gazing 2.58
13  Unlucky For Some 2.45
14  Ember Glow 2.29
15  Buildabear 2.52
16  A Bigger Boat 2.58
17  The Comfy Chair 2.11
18  Mass Hysteria Part 2 2.58